Providing Proper Nutrition to Horses

Horse owners have to be careful to provide proper nutrition to their pets. Traditionally, horses got enough nutrition through grazing on grasses and hay. In most cases, that is no longer true. Grasses are depleted of nutrients due to pollution, agricultural practices, and the addition of chemicals in grass seed. Commercially produced hay also lacks fundamental nutrients. The decrease in nutrients can result in dull coats and manes, lack of energy, illnesses, and chronic conditions. Some symptoms are gradual so go unnoticed for a period of time. That complicates the problem because an illness or condition may be advanced before treatment is provided.

One way to avoid conditions and complications is to combat nutritional deficiencies with organic daily supplements. There are several supplements available on the market, but not all are natural. One organic and beneficial supplement is equestrian blue algae that is found in certain aquatic plants. The compound contains an abundance of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins similar to those originally found in several types of grasses. Plants are now being harvested for supplements manufactured by various companies. It is important to compare the harvesting process because it has a direct effect on the potency of the supplement. The ideal process is to harvest the plant quickly and chill it to a temperature of 34-36 degrees Fahrenheit. Further purification can be attained via the process of centrifuge to ensure the supplement provides maximum benefits.


The most common issues caused by malnutrition are problems with hooves. White line disease, founder, cracks, thrush, and laminitis can leave a horse lame. Laminitis is a condition that basically wears down the coffin bone inside the hoof. The result is a lack of alignment that can cause abscesses, allow bacteria to enter the inner hoof, and lead to infection. Case studies, observations from veterinarians and farriers, and test results indicate blue algae is a successful treatment option when placed in horse laminitis supplements.

The nutrients promote sole growth that produces room for padding. Farriers can then shoe the horse in a manner that places the hoof in proper alignment. The condition is treatable and lameness reduces as the re-alignment process continues. Proper nutrition is vital to prevent serious problems for horses. It is often difficult to tell when any animal is in pain, or unhealthy. Proactive measures on the part of owners will reduce suffering and promote wellness in a pet.

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